Top 10 Things to Do in Cambodia on the Best Budget Travel

Things to Do in Cambodia

Cambodia, a country located within the Southeast Asian region is a place with deep history, fascinating culture and enchanting natural beauty. Blending traditional Khmer Empire beauty with modern global life in an easy-on-the-pocket manner, Cambodia presents ancient temples that stand witnesses of its charming past alongside bustling markets and wonderful beaches. Cambodia is a nation that has merged through a colourful history of glory and ruin. It opens its arms to welcome people all over the world into its land. With a Vietnam-Cambodia tour package from India, as you step out in your budget travel adventure. you would come across a treasure house of experience packed in Cambodia which is yet to be discovered. It’s time to discover the amazing Angkor Wat which is just a few clicks away. From there you can head to the charming remains of Angkor Thom, wander through the turbulent history of Phnom Penh and relax on Preah Sihanouk let us first understand what makes Cambodia distinct in its true essence before starts on these memories trip.

Top 10 Things to Do in Cambodia for Travellers


Visit Angkor Wat:

Angkor Wat, a UNESCO World Heritage site and the country’s main attraction of interest. It has an extensive complex comprised of a complicated structure with high historic importance. For financial purposes it can be better if one buys a multi-day pass that lets you explore all the temples. One should not miss the experience of watching the beautiful sun rise at Angkor Wat; after all, it’s an experience that calls out every minute spent on dreamland.

Angkor Thom:

Angkor Thom is another city complex near Angkor Wat and boasts of some fantastic temples. Highlight here includes the Bayon, with its famoustone faces. Angkor Thom will take you on a journey, through time, to the zenith of the Khmer civilization.

Killing Fields:

Understanding of Cambodia’s history under the Khmer Rougue is impossible without visiting the Killing fields in particular Choeung Ek. This website is very sad but instructive about the resilience of the country.

Beach Time:

Cambodia has beautiful quiet beaches that are very affordable. However, affordable accommodations are available in Sihanoukville which was previously named Preah Sihanoukouc. You can spend your leisure time at the beaches. For a more peaceful atmosphere, try going to Otres Beach.

Street Food Adventures:

This trip will involve a taste of Cambodia’s cuisine. Deliciousness abound in street food stalls where you will most likely find a number of cheap servings. Some must try dishes are Amok – creamy curry; Loklak – stir fried beef, as well as fresh spring rolls. And then there are the tropical shakes and local fruits that you shouldn’t miss sampling.

Local Markets:

Buying souvenirs in local markets means a perfect opportunity to plunge into the spirit of the place. These include the Old Market in Siem Reap and the Russian Market in Phnom Penh. Practice your haggling because bargaining is a common tradition.

Tonle Sap Lake:

Journey into the Unique Lives of the Floating Villages in Cambodia at Tonle Sap Lake. Go on a boat trip and meet the hospitable local people as they share with you their life skills.

Biking Tours:

Renting a bike in the country of ancient temples is an ideal option for those wishing to discover the countryside of Cambodia. The cycling experience, especially in Siem Reap, is pleasant with excursions that offer unseen gems. Хронологија 2104 – 2105.

Explore Wildlife:

Nature & Wildlife in Cambodia. Come visit the Phnom Tamao Wildlife Rescue Center just outside of Phnom Penh where you can find rescued tigers, gibbons, sun-bears, among others. Instead, the Elephant Valley Project in Sen Monororom gives you a chance to observe and assist in ethical elephant conservation practices.

Experience this amazing country of beautiful history, unbelievable temples, and warm hospitality, which is perfectly fitting for the budget traveler. For a traveler seeking new experiences, this destination holds limitless potential for great escapes. From discovery of the magnificent remains of Angkor Wat to paying homage to the memory of Cambodia’s past at the revered Killing Fields, visitors can treat themselves with delicious Discover this remarkable land at your convenient and affordable price with Vietnam Cambodia tour package from India. Therefore, pack up come along with me in this unforgettable adventure that will take you through the beautiful Kingdom of Cambodia whose each moment attests about the value of affordable travel.