10 national parks in Bhutan everyone should visit.

10 national parks in Bhutan everyone should visit.

Bhutan’s national parks, hidden away in natural Himalayan landscapes, guardians of country’s unique biological diversity and cultural past. Provide haven for nature lovers and seeking religion. Every park in Bhutan represents the nation’s dedication to environmental preservation and honor, from the green valleys of Jigme Dorji National Park, home to threatened plants and animals, to the sacred forests of Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park, where historic traditions exist with amazing natural formations. Whether you want to walk in the wild terrain of Royal Manas National Park or meditate in the calm surroundings of Bumdeling Wildlife Sanctuary, visiting national parks in Bhutan guarantees an amazing trip through some of the most beautiful scenery and cherished traditions on the planet.

With our carefully planned Bhutan Tour Packages, set out on an incredible adventure to the beautiful country of Bhutan. Experience everlasting beauty of Bhutan’s amazing views, that extend from towering Himalayan peaks to green valleys filled with floating prayer flags. Tours provide smooth fusion of outdoor adventure and cultural exploration, thrilling experiences trekking, mountain biking, and wildlife spotting to exploring historic monasteries, lively marketplaces, and traditional festivals. Explore hidden wonders of Bhutan with our knowledgeable guides and get firsthand look at kind attitude and genuine beauty of people. Whether you’re a family looking for a genuine cultural experience, a couple looking for a romantic holiday, or a single traveler, we guarantee that our Bhutan tour packages will surpass your expectations and produce unforgettable experiences.

Here are the 10 national parks in Bhutan everyone should visit:


1. Jigme Dorji National Park | Towering Peaks and Pristine Lakes:


Jigme Dorji National Park | Towering Peaks and Pristine Lakes

Jigme Dorji National Park, Bhutan’s largest protected area, is a haven for wildlife lovers. Its landscape is varied, ranging from thick forests to rocky mountain slopes and lakes formed by glaciers. The park is home to an extensive number of wildlife, including the rare Bengal tiger and snow leopard.


2. Royal Manas National Park | Captivating Wildlife in Forests:


Royal Manas National Park | Captivating Wildlife in Forests - national parks in Bhutan

In southern Bhutan, there is a beautiful wilderness area called Royal Manas National Park. With a wide size of 1,057 square kilometers, it is a biodiversity hotspot that is home to a variety of plants and animals. This park boasts green woods, meandering rivers, a broad variety of wildlife, and threatened species including the golden langur, Bengal tigers, and Asian elephants.

3. Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park | Alpine Beauty of Bhutan:


Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park | Alpine Beauty of Bhutan

Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park in Bhutan is an amazing natural preserve. It has the name of the former King of Bhutan and is well known for its wide variety of habitats, which include mountain meadows and deep woods. The habitats of Himalayan black bears, takins, and other threatened species such as the red panda and snow leopard are protected in this park.

4. Bumdeling Wildlife Sanctuary | Bhutan is a Birdwatcher’s Paradise:


Bumdeling Wildlife Sanctuary | Bhutan is a Birdwatcher's Paradise - national parks in Bhutan

Northeastern Bhutan’s Bumdeling Wildlife Sanctuary is a naturalist’s dream come true. It is important to protect this species because it provides an important wintering ground for these beautiful birds. With its rocky terrain, thick woods, and mountain grasslands, the sanctuary is an amazing destination for environmentally conscious travellers and anybody seeking an absorbed experience in Bhutan’s natural beauty.

5. Phibsoo Wildlife Sanctuary | Habitat Protection for a Variety of Species:


Phibsoo Wildlife Sanctuary | Habitat Protection for a Variety of Species

Bhutan is home to the Phibsoo Wildlife Sanctuary, which is well-known for its incredible biodiversity. This safety, which is home to several plants and animals, provides sanctuary to multiple bird species, leopards, and Bengal tigers. The natural surroundings, with their thick forests and gently rolling hills, offer calm to both nature lovers and environmental activists.

6. Sakteng Wildlife Sanctuary | Wonder of Nature in Eastern Bhutan:


Sakteng Wildlife Sanctuary | Wonder of Nature in Eastern Bhutan - national parks in Bhutan

Sakteng Wildlife Sanctuary is a unique conservation area in eastern Bhutan. Two of many species that rely on this sanctuary’s unique and varied ecosystems, include subalpine and mountain zones, are red panda and difficult to find snow leopard. Sakteng is haven for Bhutanese culture and natural world. It is home to the native Brokpa people.


7. Wangchuck Centennial Park | Glacial Vistas and Endangered Species:


Wangchuck Centennial Park | Glacial Vistas and Endangered Species

Wangchuck Centennial Park is a beautiful conservation area located in Bhutan. Named after Jigme Singye Wangchuck, this park features variety of ecosystems, mountain meadows and lush tropical woodlands. Numerous creatures, including Bengal tigers, snow leopards, and the severely threatened Himalayan red panda, find shelter there.


8. Toorsa Strict Nature Reserve | Residence of the Elusive Bengal Tigers:


Toorsa Strict Nature Reserve | Residence of the Elusive Bengal Tigers - national parks in Bhutan

Bhutan’s commitment to preserving its natural landscapes can be seen in the Toorsa Strict Nature Reserve. Because of its strict safeguarding policies, ensure little human interference, an essential haven for biodiversity preservation and an excellent choice for environmentally conscious travelers hoping to take in all of Bhutan’s natural wonders.


9. Khaling Wildlife Sanctuary | Bhutan Has a Rich Biodiversity:


Khaling Wildlife Sanctuary | Bhutan Has a Rich Biodiversity

The Khaling Wildlife Sanctuary in Bhutan is an excellent area for conservation. It is praised for rich biodiversity and wide variety of habitats, mountain meadows and subtropical forests. The Asian elephant and the red panda are two of the threatened creatures that are safeguarded by this conservation organization.

10. Jigme Khesar Strict Nature Reserve | Rough Terrain and Remote Wilderness:


Jigme Khesar Strict Nature Reserve | Rough Terrain and Remote Wilderness -national parks in Bhutan

Jigme Khesar Strict Nature Reserve in Bhutan. Biodiversity is preserved at this wildlife shelter named for the current monarch of the nation. It is home to extensive variety of ecosystems, mountain meadows and subtropical forests, and provides crucial habitat for threatened creatures Bengal tigers and snow leopards.



Bhutan’s national parks are must-visit locations for all travelers because they provide exceptional fusion of natural beauty, cultural value, and biodiversity preservation. Offering shelter to species in danger, conservation areas are sacred locations with strong spiritual and traditional tie to Bhutan. Exploration of these parks’ varied landscapes and rich past, tourists can get deep appreciation for Bhutan’s dedication to environmental conservation and its peaceful coexistence with natural world. Travelling through national parks in Bhutan offers an engaging experience that goes beyond simple sightseeing and leaves lasting mark on hearts and minds of everyone who venture there, they are seeking adventure, calmly, or knowledge.